Join the FREE #GrittyUp Challenge

If you need motivation to get yourself back in the gym again, this challenge is for you

If you leave your workouts feeling bored and seeing little to no change, this challenge is for you.

If you routinely crush your workouts at the gym with a coach or trainer but fail to push yourself when you're alone, this challenge is for you

If you want to tap into a deeper sense of self and determination, this challenge is definitely for you. 

We get started in...



Why the #GrittyUp Challenge?

Those who have honed the ability to tap into personal grit achieve the highest levels of success. Personal grit, though, is not about competing with others, it's about showing ourself what we're made of. It's about pushing against our comfort zone and trusting that we can handle something, even if it's a bit scary and uncertain.

Some say you either have grit or you don't but I don't buy that. We can all own a "grittier" space within our lives...specifically in the way we move our bodies and train in the gym. 

And the grit we dig into in the gym shows us exactly what we're capable of outside the gym.  

I work with women daily who tell me they they can dig deep and push when a trainer is holding their feet to the fire but when they're on their own, in the shadows of their basement, they simply can't push themselves.

That's a lie. We just neeed to know HOW. And, then we need to prove to ourselves that we have a gritty inner spirit ready to come out and be our biggest cheerleader screaming "Yes you can!".  

Imagine if you could - in 14 days - meet your gritty side and trust yourself to tap into her in a moment's notice.

The #GrittyUp challenge was born to help us all unearth our indomitable spirit, confidence and resilience so we require no one but ourselves to get to the next level.

Hi, I'm Jessica Oar

I am so looking forward to having you be a part of this #GrittyUp challenge + movement!

I work with women day in and day out who have believed the limiting negative thoughts they feed themselves about their worth, strength and capabilities.

I want you to start to say "yes" to yourself more and believe, deep down, that you can push through and do the things you want most.

My personal fitness philosophy is short, intense, effective. I believe that short workouts get done with consistency and that by keeping our workouts short, we can get intense for maximum results. This challenge will be focused on workouts that are no more than 24 minutes from start to finish.

I also believe that you are gritty, you just may not know it yet. C'mon, join us...#grittyup!

Here's How This FREE Challenge Works:

1. You will receive 14 days of short, intense workouts meant to get you breathless and burning and right into your discomfort zone, the exact place where your grit is born. 

2. You'll receive a daily email with insight on grit and specific tactics to use when that voice in your head is telling you "No!" and "I can't!" ​and that you can't take on more. You'll discover how to turn that voice around.

3. This is INSTAGRAM Challenge! So , you will need to sign up for a free account, if you don't already have one. It's easy! Go here. You will "check in" each day via Instagram, using a photo or a video. YOU WILL HASHTAG ALL POSTS using "#grittyup" and also the DAY of the challenge, like #day1.

Here's a sample post (along with a pic): "OMG, I wanted to give up by minute 4 of this workout! I HATE renegade rows, but I used the 1-10 tool and before I knew it the time segment was up. I know I would have given up if I didn't get my mind out of the way! #grittyupchallenge #day3"

I totally get it, posting to Instagram can feel vulnerable, right? Like, I don't want people to know that I struggle with motivating myself! Here's the is literally the #1 struggle I hear from women of all backgrounds and fitness levels so YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Posting your journey through the challenge is part of the experience but know that if you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to do it - you'll opt out of going for the prizes but you'll still get all the experience.

4. There will also be a closed FaceBook page for all challenge participants where we will share insights, struggles and solutions around developing grit and getting the most of our workouts. This is a place where we come together and create a movement by sharing our stories. Believe me, I have plenty of vulnerable stories you'll hear as it relates to staying safe, shying away from discomfort, hell, literally walking out of the gym without working out because my mind was getting in the way. The FB page is for all of that sharing, community and a place where you'll get coaching through this 14 day experience. Join US.

5. The workouts are intense! In order to be effective, our short workouts must be intense. But don't worry, intensity is relative. Using Metabolic Effect's Rest-Based Training where you rest when you need it, we will ensure you work - and push - from your unique fitness level.

6. On Monday, September 26th, you'll receive the first round of workouts and on October 3rd, the second round, all delivered via email. You can do the workouts at home with dumbbells (or at a gym). You'll have the option to follow along via video or PDF.  

7. Win Prizes! If you complete the 12 workouts (there will be two rest days), as verified by your IG shares, you will be entered to win some of my very favorite supplements/snacks from Quest, Metabolic Effect and Onnit and an expense paid entry into two months of the Be PowerFULL Lifestyle Group, my ongoing coaching program.


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